... If you can't accept me at my worst you don't deserve me at my best...
This one line fifteen word phrase has become on of the most well known proclamations when it comes to relationships, both good and bad. It encompasses what we all want most, to be accepted and loved despite the deepest darkest parts of ourselves. The parts we don’t let anyone see, and that we pray no one ever will see. But in my experience, it’s not only the hard parts that need loved. It’s when you can love me at my best, with my head in the clouds, with my heart in your hands, when I’m laughing at 2am from exhaustion, and when I’m chasing my future with no set plans in sight. If you love me when I don’t have it figured out, because I’m asking God to lead me to the best way to figure it out, you are loving me at my best. If you get up at 6am to have breakfast with me because I’m a morning person the second my feet hit the floor, you may be loving me at an ungodly hour sure, but you’re still loving me at my best. If you love me after six cups of coffee, or when I have absolutely no caffeine in my system, you must truly love me. If you love me when I have no time for you, because I’m giving all my time to my studies and ministry for a season, building myself in the Kingdom of God and figuring out what He wants for me, I promise to always return to you.