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Valentines - To Embrace or Not to Embrace


Valentine's Day. "Hallmark holiday." Day to celebrate your significant other. Day to scroll through Instagram and see NOTHING but mushy posts from friends and celebrities about their relationship and their person. The person you may not have who twenty years after your first breath you may still be wondering about! But friends, sit down with me for a second and allow me to explain my personal love of this holiday, no matter how commercialized it may be. Last night I stopped at the store on my way home from work to pick up goodie bags, chocolate, heart shaped suckers, and valentine cards in the form of cute little animal pins and freaking mini skateboards. (I'm gonna be honest I flipped out when I saw those ones they were so cute). To me, Valentine's Day is one day a year I get to be a kid again and not be judged for it. I get to bless every one of my friends with a small note and some unexpected candy and see their day light up. I get to scroll through Instagram and be inspired by all these Godly and committed relationships that these people are so dedicated to. I get to buy my room mate a mini stuffed animal and helium balloon to express how much I love and appreciate her. Instead of remembering that I am single, which I could argue for hours is not a bad thing, I get to celebrate the fact that I have friends who bless my morning since I get to spend time with them instead of wondering what me and my person are doing tonight or if they will like the gift I got them. I get to think about myself and be selfish for a second and not worry about another human. So eat some chocolate and spread the love. The love that Valentine's Day is telling you has to be romantic, but I am telling you doesn't. Love yourself, love your friends, love your coffee, and love the opportunities you get to spend time doing something for yourself.

Galentines circa 2018

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